Compassion – And How to Improve Your Life

One ordinary day, in the parking lot of an ordinary apartment building, an extraordinary thing took place. This blog is my way of saying thank you to the extraordinary young man who made it happen. With your help, it is also my way of making a real difference in honor of my friend, Sebastian.

My story begins when the parking garage under my apartment building was acquired by a new company. Sebastian became the new manager. Nothing very spectacular about that. Believe me, managing this parking garage is no easy task. It is one of the worse parking garages I have ever used. Despite this, when I met Sebastian for the first time, I knew there was something special about him. We talked for awhile. When I got ready to leave, I told him he would be very successful because he already had all the qualities that would continue to make him stand out.

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Feeling Better – One Breath at a Time

At forty-three I was told my life expectancy was about seven years. That was almost twenty years ago.
When I had exhausted everything western medicine had to offer, I decided to look toward a mind – body – spirit approach. I did an online search and I was amazed at how much new research existed that scientifically proved that yoga and meditation make a measurable difference in the quality of life and survival rate for anyone with a chronic, potentially life threatening illness.

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A New Year… A New Mission

Beginning in January, 2018, the mission of The Evelyn Pearl Breast Cancer Awareness Jewelry Collection will take a new direction. It has been just over two years since my dear friend, Evelyn Pearl Meyerson, died from metastatic breast cancer. From her initial diagnosis until she passed away, she lived only six short weeks. I promised her before she died that I would make a difference for other breast cancer patients. I know she is watching over me. I can feel her knowing, loving smile as the funds we raise is spent in a way almost as special as was Evelyn herself.

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You can make a difference that will really matter.

I truly believe the solution to finding a cure for breast cancer might be as simple as believing in “The Power of One.” If each of us can do one small thing to help, we will move mountains. As you may know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It will be hard for you to walk more than a few blocks or into more than a few stores without seeing a special promotion to support the cause. While in the end, it is money that will drive the research which will put an end to cancer, there are so many other ways to give of yourself. Each and every one of us can play a small but meaningful role in making a difference. Together, we can make the way easier for breast cancer patients everywhere.

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